Jira Plugin Not able to see the application

  • Category : Jira Plugin
  • Article Number : 12
  • Publish Date: 22 Dec, 2023


To resolve the below-mentioned issue while using the Jira Plugin:

  • Jira Plugin: Unable to see the Sinergify application on the Jira record page


  1. Log in to your Jira Instance as an admin.

  2. In the top-right corner, select “Apps” and then click on “Manage apps”.

  3. Click on “Configuration” on the left panel.

  4. Check whether ‘Enable SF Record Linking’ is active or not.

    Enable SF Record Linking:

  • The application will be visible if this checkbox is enabled

  • The application will not be visible if this checkbox is disabled

  1. Now, you should be able to see the application (Sinergify).

  2. If you are still getting specific error messages while following the above steps, please contact our support team at [email protected] or raise a ticket at  www.sinergify.com/support-portal